Promise Me by Mona Ingram

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Category: Contemporary, Romance
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Combat Hospital - Kandahar Airfield
What are the odds? Karen Hughes, an ER nurse, travels half way around the world only to meet someone from the other side of town. Brian Calder, a medevac helicopter pilot, breezes into her life like a refreshing ocean spray. Both from Vancouver Island, they find that they share much in common, and soon become an "item" in the closely knit medical community of KAF. Karen's tour of duty is up in a few weeks, and Brian will follow shortly, but now that he has so much to lose, he becomes concerned for his safety. He's been carrying his grandmother's ring, and uses his considerable charm to convince Karen that she she should take it with her and give it to his grandmother when she returns home.
Join Karen on a heartbreaking and ultimately satisfying journey as she searches for love from the heat and grit of Kandahar to the cool mountains and endless beaches of Vancouver Island.
This book has a new cover as of July 2012.
New Feature!: Book Rating: PG; Contains: Implied Sex; Free Through 3/9/2013