Just in case you're wondering . . .
Yes, all the links to the free books on Amazon are associate links. What that means is if you click on a link and "buy" a free book, we get a cut of the "sale". For the most part we're getting 4% of $0.00 since we run a free book site.
On the off chance you find a book on our site that isn't free, -maybe you're checking out the read page or looking at yesterday's posts -and you choose to buy it, we get 4% of the purchase price. Most of the books are around $2.99 so we get around $0.12 per book. We're not getting rich by any means, but having the associate links allows us to track which books get clicks. That information tells us what you, the readers, like and we use that information to find books that will appeal to you.
There's also Google ads on the site. The Google ads help us track our visitors in addition to the Blogger tools. On the off chance that you choose to click on an ad, we get a few pennies from those clicks. Again, we're not getting rich off those ads but they do help us track unique visitors.
The only place that is a true income stream is the featured books. As of 1/2013, we charge $12.00 to be the featured book for the day and $5.00 to guarantee that we list a title. Again, we're not getting rich but it does help pay the internet bill. Every time you purchase a featured book or download a free book, you help support our blog and our efforts to find you free books.
Thanks so much for reading and let us know if you have any questions.